Location Intelligence

Let us help you realize the full potential of Location Intelligence. 

Our take on location data is that it should be found where the rest of your data is. Only then can location data be truly utilized in business processes.

Location Intelligence can be used, for example, to improve asset management, risk management or store location planning.


Location Intelligence Innovation -workshop

Maybe you're already able to see the potentials of location intelligence for your business, but can't yet outline concrete ways to leverage it or prioritise the development work?

As a result of the Location Intelligence Innovation -workshop, you'll get a concrete and reasoned insight into the most fruitful development targets in location intelligence. Learn more👇

Location Intelligence Innovation -workshop

Analytics in Agriculture

Agriculture is getting more fact based and more granular as remote sensing technologies have matured.

Realize the full potential of Location Intelligence

Book a free 30-minute call with our expert below.


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GIS Data Management Made Easy – Case Fortum

Fortum invests in the development of their GIS platform for sustainability benefits. The GIS platform and its data had been utilised and developed...

Cutting annual operational costs by 64 percent of a Finnish commercial bank

CASE STUDY A Finnish commercial bank was suffering from increasingly high annual operational costs and a GIS platform that was reaching the end of...

Improved district heating network and sustainability using AI

Fortum leverages thermal imaging and advanced analytics for leak detection With a thermal imaging and AI analytics-based solution, Fortum is now able...