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Our services

Whether your goal is to develop Modern Business Intelligence, maximize the benefits of Advanced Analytics or to model a fit for purpose IT Architecture, you will find the solution and the expertise from us.

Gain an unfair competitive advantage with us

Smart Factory

Boost your manufacturing performance. Finding a balance between productivity and efficiency will enable resource optimisation, lowered production costs and increased predictability.

Smart Grid

Accelerate your network performance. Our approach to Smart Grids is based on AI and emerging technologies, enabling maximised energy efficiency, preventive grid maintenance, and a optimised and digitised network.

Data Advisory

Grow your organization’s data and analytics capabilities. We navigate between technology and business to find how to get the most fruitful and sustainable results from your data investments.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Reach your sustainability goals with data and emerging technologies. Increase energy efficiency, reduce waste, and reuse materials without compromising on profitability or resilience.

Our customers

Tailored solutions

Tailored solutions integrated to your business processes. Whether it's through AI, automation, data analytics, or other cutting-edge technologies, we'll help you succeed.

Why Advian?

Advian was founded so that you wouldn’t have to make decisions based on guesswork in a world full of data. 

We develop your business and the supporting architecture to jointly utilize new opportunities created by location, data, and emerging technologies.

Advian team-2


  • Competence. A unique combination of business design, data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing and Location intelligence skills. The average experience of our employees’ is 15+ years.

  • One stop. We are not just an IT company – We are your value-focused partner, from the factory floor to the cloud and beyond. We can also help you with hardware and electronics.

  • Results. We focus on your competitiveness only, achieving tangible results with sustainable solutions.

  • Innovation. As the world develops so should you. Our ambition to build world-class solutions fuels our ability to innovate your entire operations.

Fresh from our blog

Advian leads the way in Additive Manufacturing post-processing automation - participates in the €3.9 million AMAze project

The AMAze project, with a budget of €3.9 million, endeavors to enhance Additive Manufacturing (AM) facilities' production capacity. It aims to achieve this by pioneering ...
Janne Honkonen | CEO, Founder
Janne Honkonen | CEO, Founder

You won't become data-driven without design thinking

Data-driven management requires ability and willingness to develop internal processes. Some organizations start from the basics, while others are further along in their data ...
Eeva Randén | Lead Data Analyst
Eeva Randén | Lead Data Analyst

Reducing warranty costs of Valtra's tractors with Machine Learning

As a major part of their product development process, Valtra needed to cut field costs related to tractor warranty claims. Advian responded with a Machine Learning solution that ...
Jonne Hirvonen | Sales Lead
Jonne Hirvonen | Sales Lead

Data governance is about people

Quality management systems was a hot topic in software development back in 1990s. Typically a company hired a quality manager, that person in an expensive suit, who interviewed ...
Samu Paajanen | Senior Advisor, Partner
Samu Paajanen | Senior Advisor, Partner

Design thinking: approaches that every data expert should know

When we hear the term "design," we often think of aesthetics and art. However, in the business context, it goes way beyond making things visually appealing. Although, ...
Nandita Wager | Data Advisor & Business Designer
Nandita Wager | Data Advisor & Business Designer

Being a Lead Technical Advisor – An interview with Rambo

He is known as Eero af Heurlin, but his friends fondly refer to him as Rambo. Hardware design, electronics, 3D modelling, robotics... Rambo does it all. Working alongside the Edge ...
Eero "Rambo" af Heurlin | Lead Technical Advisor

Empowering Fortum's optimisation and trading performance follow-up with advanced analytics

The rapidly evolving energy and utility sector faces the challenge of optimising trading performance amidst market volatility. Advian has supported Fortum’s Nordic trading and ...
Tommi Peltomo | Senior Advisor
Tommi Peltomo | Senior Advisor

Being a Machine Learning Engineer – An interview with Afshin Dini

As technology continues to evolve at an exponential rate, machine learning has become increasingly important in various industries. For instance, Edge AI, which combines machine ...
Afshin Dini | Machine Learning Engineer
Afshin Dini | Machine Learning Engineer

Data Game Plan: changing the game in the energy sector

The energy sector is facing price volatility due to shift from fossil fuels to wind and solar, and the effects from the war in Ukraine. Real-time data and insights are essential ...
Tommi Peltomo | Senior Advisor
Tommi Peltomo | Senior Advisor