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Food industry

Food manufacturers can gain an unfair competitive advantage with emerging technologies, like hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence.

Emerging technologies in the food industry

Quality needs to be ensured in every step of food processing and manufacturing. Contaminants, inaccurate nutritive properties, or poor hygiene can damage brand reputation. However, this opens opportunities for new technology in food quality assurance.

Hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence can reveal much more about the contents of the food products than traditional methods. Hyperspectral imaging uses near infrared sensors combined with spatial distribution to capture what regular cameras can't see, and AI reveals insights 1000x faster than human analysis.

  • Reveal chemical compositions

  • Detect foreign materials

  • Improve food safety

  • Gain accurate insight

  • Enhance overall food quality

Improve the quality of food

Hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence can reveal much more about the contents of the food products than traditional methods – here's an example how.

Discover chemical composition

Streamline processes and improve quality by measuring the product’s chemical and nutritive properties including pH, fat, protein, sugar, water or salt content, or meat tenderness. Analyse for example dough surface temperature or the starch content of the rice porridge stream.

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Smart Factory in Food Industry

Explore the immense potential of edge computing in the food industry. Whether it's through AI, automation, data analytics, or other cutting-edge technologies, we'll help you succeed.

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