The connection process of Turku Energia’s new customers to their district heating system was made more efficient, reliable, and systematic with a Data Management solution. The renewed process adds transparency and saves time, costs, and improves the quality of Turku Energia's services.
Turku Energia is the leading energy company in Southwest Finland that supplies and distributes district heating and cooling, and electricity.
Their process of setting up district heating for a new customer, from the moment of making the agreement to finishing installations and sending the first invoice, was manual and unstructured with a lot of moving parts and parties. The risk of some steps in the process being forgotten, done twice, or in the incorrect order was significant, with the potential of leading to a negative reputation, unsatisfied customers, and increased costs.
“Advian understood the district heating customer onboarding processes and was able to build a quick, Microsoft technologies based solution that ensures that the process is now structured and works smoothly.” – Jari Kuivanen, Vice President, Turku Energia

Advian’s Senior Data Engineer Juha Kivi took the lead of setting up a cost-effective set of tools to manage information and the process at Turku Energia. The solution makes it easier to better manage and oversee all the steps in the connection process of new customers into the district heating network. Juha used various parts from Microsoft’s Power Platform to create, document and deploy the solution, which now enables Turku Energia to guarantee that all steps of the process are done in the correct order, without overlaps, and that new customers are entered in the system the right way. Thanks to Advian’s industry knowledge, specifically in district heating processes, Juha was able to make the connection process more transparent, efficient, reliable, and systematic.
"I really enjoyed working in co-operation with Turku Energia to define the actions and tasks in the connection process as well as building a solution for them using existing tools from their IT", says Juha Kivi, Senior Data Engineer.
With a well-functioning connection process, Turku Energia has increased the quality of their data and service, cut costs, and improve their customer reputation as well as speed up the process of connecting new customers into their system. Now, there is a decreased need of redoing steps in the process, fewer delays, and hiccups.
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