Data Game Plan: changing the game in the energy sector

The energy sector is facing price volatility due to shift from fossil fuels to wind and solar, and the effects from the war in Ukraine. Real-time data and insights are essential for companies to adapt quickly to market shifts. Advances in data platforms, AI, and analytics enable data-driven decision-making, but reliable data requires companies to build their data capabilities – at Advian we call it the Data Game Plan.

When do you need a Data Game Plan?

Does this sound familiar? You're surrounded by data, growth opportunities, and new projects, but it's challenging to decide where to concentrate your efforts. What would bring the most benefit to your business?

If you answered "YES!", you're most likely in need of a Data Game Plan.

Data can be confusing and overwhelming, making it difficult to make the most of it. It can feel like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of development.

At Advian, we see a Data Game Plan as data-driven business development to support value creation. We do it by navigating the waters between technology and business to find you the way to get the most fruitful and sustainable results from your data investments. It is not a standalone component, but rather an integral part of the business strategy.

Advian has enabled multiple firms to reach their potential by formulating a Data Game Plan.

Case Turku Energia: Increasing advanced analytics capabilities

Turku Energia gained insights into their current state, target state, as well as “low hanging fruits” to yield quickly visible wins. Now with a 3-year game plan at hand, Turku Energia is able to become a more developed organisation with the capability to utilise AI analytics, Machine Learning and Knowledge Management.

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"Advian helped us build a concrete roadmap for developing our capabilities to use data and advanced analytics as basis for our decision making" - Jarkko Lehtinen, Information Architect, Turku Energia


turku energia logoTurku Energia is the leading energy company in Southwest Finland and one of Finland's largest companies in the field. They are committed to developing the energy sector and being a pioneer in the field. They offer their customers energy services that improve the environment, quality of life and competitiveness.


Here's why you should be interested too.

Data roadmap

Data Game Plan enables leading with data and knowledge

Data is the new oil. Leading with data and analytics is crucial for energy and utilities organisations to improve their ability to compete and make profitable investments. By leveraging data, organisations can improve their analytics capabilities, reduce costs, identify new business opportunities, and drive growth. This requires a cultural change, where the entire organisation understands the potential of data and takes ownership of their data to make informed decisions.

With a Data Game Plan in your back pocket you can reach a stage where it's possible to...

  1. Improve your data maturity
  2. Make better decisions
  3. Utilise advanced analytics and emerging technologies

Case Gasgrid: Towards supreme information management with a Data Game Plan

Gasgrid's journey towards improving their data-driven processes and analytics landscape started with a concrete and prioritised Data Game Plan based on the views of key stakeholders. Already in the survey phase, numerous development ideas were generated at Gasgrid, ranging from advanced financial reporting to pilot projects for gas network IoT data. Sorting and prioritising these ideas for the Data Game Plan for 2021 and beyond provided a solid foundation for further development.

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"Now, 15 months later, we have progressed about one-third of the plan towards data-driven management. The game plan served as a good starting point for our development, and we have relied on the plan even though our company has faced significant changes during 2022." – Petri Dahlström, CFO, Gasgrid



Gasgrid is a Finnish state-owned company and transmission system operator with system responsibility. They offer their customers safe, reliable and cost-efficient transmission of gases.

How is a Data Game Plan created?

Agile development with a connection to strategic goals

Our planning and implementation model for Data Game Plans in the energy and utilities sector has been developed with a Scrum-like spirit to cover broad high-level topics without going too much into detail. All implementations are directly connected to strategic goals. Instead of vague data strategy presentations we deliver a concrete backlog of development epics complete with priority and timeline suggestions. We also engage key stakeholders in workshop to get a consensus for the Date Game Plan, thus really enabling a kick-start for tangible results.


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Staying ahead of the curve – accelerate network performance.

Our services for the Energy & Utilities sector




Topics: Utilities, Advanced Analytics, Consulting



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