Ville Louko

Ville Louko

Ville has a Master's in Business Administration and is an upright sales professional, who always starts with recognizing the customer need. When the problem is properly understood, focus can be solely on finding the most effective solution to it. Navigating this process is aided by Ville's years as a coder and data engineer, built on top of his experience in IoT sales. Ville thrives best in working directly with factory customers, digging up ways to advance their production towards 4.0 standards and profitability.

Continuous personal development serves as Ville's internal engine, and for this reason, he enjoys challenging himself in various ways, like the annual "hell week." On his free time, Ville can be found swinging golf clubs or playing board games, depending on the season.

At the end of the day, Ville's priority is to do as he promises, so he can still look himself in the mirror at night. Ville's greatest strengths lie in listening and caring, through which he always aims for an excellent customer experience.

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